create a modul for snapshot
  • markvomton
    junior Member
    Posts: 3
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    create a modul for snapshot

    by markvomton » Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:17 am

    Hello, i am try to create a modul in order to snapshot all functions of modul8.
    The first step is ok, i make a module based on the modul LB-Macro by Geoff Matters.
    The problem is, that only the absolut parameters of Modul8 is stored.
    I need also dynamic snapshots like alpha time fader over spezified time for each Layer.
    I want to give a Layer fade time wich is stored by snapshot/macro.
    Is it possible?
    I try to create a modul for fader automatisation based on the modul s6 by eric > but i am not able to give a button/msg by scipt wich disable/anable the fade for the Layer
    How I made this?
    best regards

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