Madmapper on tour!
  • squidden
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    Madmapper on tour!

    by squidden » Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:24 pm

    Hi there!
    I am trying to solve a problem. I use Madmapper for a theater production that is going on tour. The technicians have to reset or adjust the surfaces on the projection areas/sets every day. Since I have a lot of the projections on excatly the same spot I have used the same surface for most of the projections. My problem is - since I want an easy setup I don't want to reset all the surfaces - now that it create individual surfaces. I can't figure out to just set up the main areas to let my movies/photos go through. Let me say I also own modul8. The main idea is to run it through Qlab. I have attached a screenshot to show it here. I am using these 7 quads for all my projections, but not always all seven at the same time.

    Thx in advance
    madmapper.jpg (200.66 KiB) Viewed 2483 times

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