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Assigning Different Artnet Subnets

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:52 pm
by NAV907

I am having an issue with MadMapper connecting to my LED tape driver.

I am using LED pixel tape from Enttec with the Pixelator Driver.

The pixelator allows me to adjust Artnet Subnets then universes within the subnet.

According to the software, I can assign subnets and universes to the following parameters: 0-9 followed by A-F

My current limitation is that I have been on Subnet 0, and have assigned all of my universes 1-F with more tape unaddressed.

To fix this I can jump to the next subnet but then how do I adjust and assign that in MadMapper?

Immediate help and answers are GREATLY appreciated.


Re: Assigning Different Artnet Subnets

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:43 am
by Xaver2k
subnet * 16 + universe,
so sub 1/uni 1 = 1*16 + 1 = 17
(starting from 1, not 0)

as explained from franz here: