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Midi Controller Resets slider on release

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:23 pm
by timsteinke
Hey everyone. I use a Macbook Pro 2011 with a Queneo 3D midi controller to control mostly built in sliders such as Alpha, Trace, Invert Blue, etc. When I use midi map to map Alpha Channel or one of these other sliders to one of my QueNeo 3D sliders, it works great to change the value in Modul8, but it resets to 0 in Modul8 the second I release my fingers from the sliders on my QueNeo 3D. Any ideas on how to change these sliders to stay upon release? I am pretty new to working with Midi so I'm not sure if this is something in Modul8 that I need to modify, or if it is something more in the setup options of my midi controller. There are several modes I can use for my midi controller with various options throughout.

Thanks for any help or direction anyone can provide. I have tried searching for help on this issue without any luck.

Re: Midi Controller Resets slider on release

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:44 pm
by anomad
. are you transmitting the data as MIDI NOTES or Continuos Controller (CC) messages? i would imagine the MIDI notes would send a 0 value when they are released, whereas CC data would stay at the last position it received.

(a nomad. )

Re: Midi Controller Resets slider on release

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:16 pm
by timsteinke
Great information, thanks! I wasn't aware of that. I'll check my controller setup tonight and report back for anyone else having this issue.