Signal Distribution - please help!
  • Bec Smith
    junior Member
    Posts: 3
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    Signal Distribution - please help!

    by Bec Smith » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:06 pm


    Is anyone able to help clarify the maximum distance run between the power supply and 1st fixture (on the small 3pin power/dmx extension cable). The diagram on the Garagecube kickstarter project is labelled as a max 5m run. I have managed 10m but then it messes up. Is that correct, and what is physically happening to cause this?

    Im creating a large scale installation, and finding it really tricky that you can only run such small distances before having to site a power supply. Is this just how it is, or am i missing a trick?

    Any help would be HUGELY appreciated

  • Benoit
    ultim8 member
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    Re: Signal Distribution - please help!

    by Benoit » Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:54 pm

    you're right, there is this 5m limitation indeed...

    which means the power supply will struggle to properly handle the LED bars beyond that distance.

    for our complex installations we always need to figure out which and how many power supplies we'll need

    (thankfully there are the 1 and 4 universes)

    feel free to contact us on - you'll be able to talk with the guys from the LED team

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