WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | 8 Stripes x 1,50m/90 LEDs Problem
  • Miro0711
    junior Member
    Posts: 2
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    WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | 8 Stripes x 1,50m/90 LEDs Problem

    by Miro0711 » Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:15 pm

    Hello Mad Mappers,

    we have installed the following setup:

    8 LED Stripes WS2812B, each 1,50m / 90 LED
    Teensy with octo shield, wired via LAN to the LEDs
    2x Power Supply (2x4 wired) to provide enough energy
    Macbook with Madmapper

    We did our first attemp with 4 Stripes to check if everything works correctly in 50% of the setup.

    The first two LED stripes work fine, but when we want to adress more it doesnt work anymore,
    E.g. 3 if we run simple animation to 4 LED stripes:
    1 works fine
    2 works fine
    3 everything is blinking wrong
    4 nothing happens

    We took the code from the "two lines madmapper sketch" and adapted it. You can find it attached, maybe you may have a look at it and see the mistake?

    If you need any further information just feel free to comment, thank you so much in advantage for your help!

    Have a nice weekend, Moe



    Code: Select all

    #include <SPI.h> #include <FastLED.h> #define MAD_LED_PACKET_HEADER 0xFF #define MAD_LED_DATA 0xBE #define MAD_LED_DETECTION 0xAE #define MAD_LED_DETECTION_REPLY 0xEA #define MAD_LED_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x01 //#define DEBUG_MODE // To test LEDs (FastLED) without the need of MadMapper or MadRouter sending data on serial port //#define JUST_TEST_LEDS #define NUM_LEDS_LINE0 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE0 2 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE1 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE1 14 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE2 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE2 7 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE3 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE3 8 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE4 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE4 6 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE5 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE5 20 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE6 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE6 21 #define NUM_LEDS_LINE7 90 #define DATA_PIN_LINE7 5 #if NUM_LEDS_LINE0 > NUM_LEDS_LINE1 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE0 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE1 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE1 > NUM_LEDS_LINE2 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE1 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE2 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE2 > NUM_LEDS_LINE3 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE2 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE3 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE3 > NUM_LEDS_LINE4 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE3 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE4 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE4 > NUM_LEDS_LINE5 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE4 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE5 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE5 > NUM_LEDS_LINE6 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE5 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE6 #endif #if NUM_LEDS_LINE6 > NUM_LEDS_LINE7 #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE6 #else #define NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE NUM_LEDS_LINE7 #endif /////////add for the other new LEDS // Fast LED Buffers CRGB leds_line0[NUM_LEDS_LINE0]; CRGB leds_line1[NUM_LEDS_LINE1]; CRGB leds_line2[NUM_LEDS_LINE2]; CRGB leds_line3[NUM_LEDS_LINE3]; CRGB leds_line4[NUM_LEDS_LINE4]; CRGB leds_line5[NUM_LEDS_LINE5]; CRGB leds_line6[NUM_LEDS_LINE6]; CRGB leds_line7[NUM_LEDS_LINE7]; /////////add for the other new LEDS // MadLED protocol buffer char dataFrame[NUM_LEDS_IN_LONGEST_LINE*3]; int readingFrameOnLine=-1; bool gotNewDataFrame=false; enum State { State_WaitingNextPacket, State_GotPacketHeader, State_WaitingLineNumber, State_WaitingChannelCountByte1, State_WaitingChannelCountByte2, State_ReadingDmxFrame }; State inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; unsigned int readChannelsCount=0; unsigned int channelsLeftToRead=0; char* frameWritePtr=dataFrame; void setup() { Serial.begin(921600); for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(dataFrame); i++) dataFrame[i]=0; // Here setup FastLED first LED line protocol // Uncomment/edit one of the following lines for your leds arrangement. // FastLED.addLeds<TM1803, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<TM1804, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<TM1809, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN_LINE0>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<APA104, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903B, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<GW6205, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<GW6205_400, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<APA102, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB, DATA_RATE_MHZ(2)>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<WS2801, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<SM16716, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<LPD8806, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<P9813, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); // FastLED.addLeds<DOTSTAR, DATA_PIN_LINE0, CLOCK_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE0, RGB>(leds_line0, NUM_LEDS_LINE0); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE1, RGB>(leds_line1, NUM_LEDS_LINE1); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE2, RGB>(leds_line2, NUM_LEDS_LINE2); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE3, RGB>(leds_line3, NUM_LEDS_LINE3); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE4, RGB>(leds_line4, NUM_LEDS_LINE4); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE5, RGB>(leds_line5, NUM_LEDS_LINE5); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE6, RGB>(leds_line6, NUM_LEDS_LINE6); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_LINE7, RGB>(leds_line7, NUM_LEDS_LINE7); Serial.print("Setup done"); } void processByte(unsigned char currentByte) { #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT BYTE: "); Serial.print(currentByte,HEX); #endif if (currentByte==MAD_LED_PACKET_HEADER) { inputState=State_GotPacketHeader; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT PH "); #endif } else if (inputState == State_WaitingNextPacket) { // Just ignore this byte, we're not processing a packet at the moment // Wait for next packet start (xFF) } else if (inputState == State_GotPacketHeader) { if (currentByte==MAD_LED_DETECTION) { // Send back detection reply Serial.write(MAD_LED_DETECTION_REPLY); Serial.write(MAD_LED_PROTOCOL_VERSION); inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; } else if (currentByte==MAD_LED_DATA) { inputState=State_WaitingLineNumber; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT LD "); #endif } else { // Unknown packet start, reset inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; } } else if (inputState == State_WaitingLineNumber) { if (currentByte>0x7F) { // Error, reset inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("ErrLineNum: "); Serial.print(currentByte); #endif } else { readingFrameOnLine=currentByte; inputState=State_WaitingChannelCountByte1; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT LN "); #endif } } else if (inputState == State_WaitingChannelCountByte1) { if (currentByte>0x7F) { // Error, reset inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("ErrChCNT1: "); Serial.print(currentByte); #endif } else { channelsLeftToRead=currentByte; inputState=State_WaitingChannelCountByte2; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT CHC1 "); #endif } } else if (inputState == State_WaitingChannelCountByte2) { if (currentByte>0x7F) { // Error, reset inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("ErrChCNT2: "); Serial.print(currentByte); #endif } else { channelsLeftToRead+=(int(currentByte)<<7); if (channelsLeftToRead==0) { // Error, reset inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("ErrChCNT=0"); #endif } else { frameWritePtr=dataFrame; readChannelsCount = channelsLeftToRead; inputState=State_ReadingDmxFrame; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT CHC2 "); #endif } } } else if (inputState==State_ReadingDmxFrame) { *frameWritePtr++ = currentByte; channelsLeftToRead--; if (channelsLeftToRead==0) { // Finished reading DMX Frame inputState=State_WaitingNextPacket; gotNewDataFrame=true; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE Serial.print("GOT DATA "); #endif } } } void loop() { // We read a maximum of 30000 bytes before we should call again // This is a good setting for the teensy, it depends on CPU speed, so it should be set lower on a slower CPU (ie arduino) // This limit (bytesRead<30000) is useless for protocols with a clock // But necessary when controlling more than 600 hundred RGB leds with WS2811 / WS2812 int bytesRead=0; while (Serial.available() > 0 && bytesRead<30000) { processByte(; bytesRead++; if (gotNewDataFrame) break; } #ifdef JUST_TEST_LEDS static int value=0; value = (value + 1) % 255; for (int i=0; i<NUM_LEDS_LINE0; i++) leds_line0[i]=CRGB(value,value,value); #else if (gotNewDataFrame) { gotNewDataFrame=false; char* dataPtr=dataFrame; // Copy the data frame we received in the correct FastLED buffer if (readingFrameOnLine==0) { for (int i=0; i<readChannelsCount; i++) {leds_line0[i]=CRGB(dataPtr[0],dataPtr[1],dataPtr[2]); dataPtr+=3;} } else if (readingFrameOnLine==1) { for (int i=0; i<readChannelsCount; i++) {leds_line1[i]=CRGB(dataPtr[0],dataPtr[1],dataPtr[2]); dataPtr+=3;} } } #endif; }
  • mad-matt
    garageCube team
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    Re: WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | 8 Stripes x 1,50m/90 LEDs Problem

    by mad-matt » Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:25 am

    It seems we don't call fastled often enough to handle the bitrate of the 4 outputs.
    Can you try reducing the 30000 in this line:
    while (Serial.available() > 0 && bytesRead<30000) {
    to something like 5000 ?
    The ideal would be to work with LED stripes that have a clock (ie APA102)
    But anyway, teensy / arduino is nice for prototyping, but for a serious project, a more robust pixel driver is recommended (ie Advatek Pixelite)
    Matt - MM team
  • Miro0711
    junior Member
    Posts: 2
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    Re: WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | 8 Stripes x 1,50m/90 LEDs Problem

    by Miro0711 » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:21 pm

    It seems we don't call fastled often enough to handle the bitrate of the 4 outputs.
    Can you try reducing the 30000 in this line:
    while (Serial.available() > 0 && bytesRead<30000) {
    to something like 5000 ?
    The ideal would be to work with LED stripes that have a clock (ie APA102)
    But anyway, teensy / arduino is nice for prototyping, but for a serious project, a more robust pixel driver is recommended (ie Advatek Pixelite)
    Matt - MM team
    Hey Matt,

    thank you so much for your response. I will give it another try with the "5000" rate, I was also already considering buying a pixlite 16MkII for another project.

    Best, Moe

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