WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | two lines example - Universe/channels definition
  • Bastuee
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    WS2812B | Teensy & Octo Shield | two lines example - Universe/channels definition

    by Bastuee » Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:17 pm

    Hey all,

    to play arround a bit before a Pixlite arrives, i am struggeling with the Mad Mapper*s two line example and the corresponding settings in the DMX Output. The only annoying thing here is , that i got it working, played arround and cant come back to the original working point

    1) Test Leds - two strips of 300 LEDS (WS2812B) each

    2) Arduino

    #define NUM_LEDS_LINE0 300
    #define DATA_PIN_LINE0 14
    //#define CLOCK_PIN_LINE0 6

    #define NUM_LEDS_LINE1 300
    #define DATA_PIN_LINE1 2
    //#define CLOCK_PIN_LINE1 6


    3) Madmapper

    I tried it with

    1) Universe 0 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 1 - Out Channel - 0
    1) Universe 1 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 1 - Out Channel - 512
    2) Universe 2 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 0 - Out Channel - 0
    1) Universe 3 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 1 - Out Channel - 512

    but it doesn't work, and i cant remember what i changed, that it stopped working :(

    In addition I also dont get , why i need for the one-line example with a 300 LED WS2812B Strip two universes with

    1) Universe 0 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 1 - Out Channel - 0
    1) Universe 1 - Start Channel 1 - Channel Count 512 - Outline 1 - Out Channel - 512

    to get the full strip working

    I guess i have to dig deeper into this universe stuff ? I also got ~ 6 strips working with a single line, but want to play with the different outputs / two lines example


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