Control List Documentation?
  • Invisible Ray
    Posts: 46
    Joined: Mon May 16, 2011 11:50 pm

    Control List Documentation?

    by Invisible Ray » Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:20 pm

    The Control List has hundreds, or maybe even thousands of options. Is there any documentation on what the different controls do? I have experimented with "x", "y", "scale" and "alpha" audio controls applied to surfaces but there are so many different controls, and parameters for each control, that I need some kind of reference guide to help me navigate them.

    Look at the "scale" audio control for example
    • the "source" parameter value range is 0 to 1, which I assume for audio means 0 input level to 100% input level
    • the "target" parameter value range is -32,76 to 32,76 ("," = "." for US decimals); what do those numbers mean?
    • the "target" slider has a handle at the top of one end and at the bottom of the other end, and they can be moved past each other to reverse the slider control range, but the actual effect of moving them is unpredictable
    After a couple of hours of trial and error I was able to get a basic understanding of the parameters for the x, y, & scale controls, but there is still a of of behavior that is frustrating, like trying to constrain the x & y movement to the bounds of the output device resolution.

    It would be impossible for anyone to understand the Control List purely by trial and error.
  • mad-matt
    garageCube team
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    Re: Control List Documentation?

    by mad-matt » Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:05 pm

    I agree that documentation could be improved.
    For the X & Y the value is the position in pixels from the origin point (the cross in the preview). If you have a 1920x1080 projector with top left corner at the origin point (0,0), and you want your control to adjust the X to move from left to right of the projector, you'll have to set the Target Range to 0 / 1920.
    For the scale, it's from 0 to 10. 1 means 100%.

    Most of the Controls are understandable by reading the address (ie /medias/, /surfaces/Quad-1/opacity, /surfaces/selected/blend_mode)

    Don't hesitate to list the addresses you'd like information about. Cheers

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