Madmapper 6 - Timeline jamming
  • Simon_Holden
    Posts: 24
    Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:43 am

    Madmapper 6 - Timeline jamming

    by Simon_Holden » Fri Nov 29, 2024 11:23 pm

    Firstly, great work with v6, its pretty game changing!

    I have noticed that being able to navigate columns and rows, and play cues/scenes (what are now called timelines), is not available anymore. I understand that this is replaced by markers within timelines, but one of my key workflows is creating lots of scenes(timelines), then navigating through them with a game controller, jumping forward and backwards playing them. I will often remove the "restart" so when switching to scenes the playhead on that particular marterial won't jump to the start causing a visual glitch.

    In V6 I've tried to replicate the behaviour with timelines by adding some controls, go_to_previous_marker, and go_to_next_marker, assigned to buttons on the controller, but becaues the materials are now timeline based, restarting that marker starts the material, which causes the "jump" in the content, which if you are wanting to jam the markers, you want the material just just be "running" in generative forward moving fashion looping endlessly.

    Also when pressing go_to_previous_marker, I'd like it to jump to the previous/previous marker, not just restart the current marker.... so you can jam forwards and back within a timelines markers, (I'm just attempting to recreate the same function as before with scenes/cues). A common thing would be to jam forward and back on the beat between two scenes, one might be pitched slower or faster then the previous, or completly different textures...

    Jamming can still be done now, when clicking Live, then clicking on the relative timeline, and it looks like restart in this case is automatically off, it doesn't appear to be a setting you can alter anymore. Perhaps we can get some of this function back..

    Ideally for jamming timelines, it would be great to be able to navigate left/right and up/down in the bank of timelines for jamming timelines. When you get to a slot in the timeline grid, perhaps it loops back to the start, so you can keep flipping through timelines infinitely or tries to play an empty slot and you need to fill your grid up for seamless live jamming of an entire grid of timelines.


  • franz
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    Re: Madmapper 6 - Timeline jamming

    by franz » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:11 am

    Hi I think we just forgot to add the ability to navigate in the grid as it was. We'll correct this asap.
  • Simon_Holden
    Posts: 24
    Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:43 am

    Re: Madmapper 6 - Timeline jamming

    by Simon_Holden » Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:34 am

    Just wondering when we might get the grid navigation, next beta? :D
  • fnfweek
    junior Member
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    Re: Madmapper 6 - Timeline jamming

    by fnfweek » Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:05 am

    Just wondering when we might get the grid navigation, next beta? :D
    I am also looking forward to it.
    Stickman Hook

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