organize surfaces into groups
  • benpurdy
    junior Member
    Posts: 7
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    organize surfaces into groups

    by benpurdy » Thu May 24, 2012 6:01 pm

    I know I'm not alone in this wish-list request, I've spoken with other visual projection artists about this feature and I saw it in one of the other wish lists but I thought it might be helpful to have it as a single post so it's easy to find (it was just in a reply to another wish list post). The object isolation feature is helpful, but some kind of visual representation in the list view would be a big improvement so we could collapse groups, and be able to quickly scan the list and understand how things are organized.

    My request:

    Please please add grouping functionality to the list of surfaces. It doesn't have to do anything fancy, no need for blending options at the group level, opacity, etc. It's purely needed as a means of organizing the project. Even on a simple mapping project I am scrolling through a giant list of surfaces, if I could group them into things like "stage objects" "wall panels" and "main screen" it would help tremendously.

    Like I said, groups are only needed as an organizational tool, I'm not asking for any sort of fancy grouped compositing like VDMX or anything, just let us put layers into folders so we can organize and expand/collapse them. Allowing nested groups would be nice, so would "lock" and "hide" functions at the group level, but just having any visual grouping functionality at all would be a big help.


    Just for reference, here's the other mult-item post that mentions grouping:


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