Hi everyone,
I found a strange bug in Modul8 v3 that not occur int Modul8 v2.9 with BM cards and HDMI input.
V2.9 : When I select Video Input (BM hdmi) on a layer the input displays correctly (all the image 720p ou 1080i without problem)
V3 : only a part of the input is displayed ! Only the top left quarter... It seems to be the equivalent of SD input (640x480?)
If any of BM users or pocessors can test it and tell us, It would be gratefull.
If it can help to understand I made a quick video that shows the problem (sorry for my very bad english)
Hope it can be resolved !
Tested with BM Intensity Shuttle USB 3.0
Tested with analog input (SD) : work
Tested with an other OS (other macbook) : same bug
Tested with removing Modul8 preferences plist : same bug
MBPr i7 16gb 750m 10.10