Dear MadMapper users, today is a milestone for the MadMapper user community.
The MadMapper Team is proud to bring you a new version of MadMapper.
For everyone: on Mac and Windows.
Log on the MadMapper page to download MadMapper 3.0 Beta 1**.
To run this version the minimum operating system required is: macOS 10.9 or Windows 8.1)
To get the best of MadMapper 3, we recommend to use a computer with a dedicated graphic card.
**You need to be a registred user with a MadMapper 2.x serial to run this release If your current version of MadMapper is 1.x and you purchased MadMapper before 2015, you have to purchase the upgrade by logging on the MadMapper yourspace page and click on the upgrade link.
Windows only users who don't have a MadMapper license can purchase a macOS License then download Madmapper 3.0 beta version installer.
+ Windows version ! Tested on many PCs including under-300$ ones that can play 1080p60 thanks to “Hardware Accelerated” playback using DXVA decoding. Full Spout in & out support (Syphon equivalent on Windows)
+ Graphic interface relooking
+ Added Material Online Library
+ Added Material Editor
+ Native support of ISF shaders (except the ones using passes)
+ Added new Material “Gradient Color”
+ Added new FX: "Linify" & "Dither" + improved Color Controls
+ Support SACN protocol for DMX Output (to control LEDs)
+ Added user feedback dialog
+ In media list, media types can be collapsed / expand (movies, images etc.)
+ Added an option to sort medias alphabetically (edit menu)
+ Added an option to remove all unused medias (edit menu)
+ Added numerical fields to view & edit the position of a surface or projector handle in pixel coordinate
+ Preview Window can be opened independently for each projector
+ Syphon / Spout output can be activated independently for each projector
+ miniMAD 3.0 with two new playback modes (play once and blackout, play once and freeze) and a new advanced option
+ Check for update at startup
* Remove “stage size” from master tab and added a cross at the origin
* Improved arrangement of medias (drag & drop between media to insert, drag on another media to swap)
* Improved importing DMX fixtures from an SVG or CSV file
* Text Generator also lists fonts from user fonts folder (macOS)
* Added Hue Shift to “Color Controls” surface shader
* Renamed surface's "Shader" to "FX"
* Enabled using material together with a FX
* Fixed an issue if application path contains special characters
* Fixed an issue with Surface Shaders
* Few other fixes
Enjoy this new version and send us feedbacks on this forum or using the embedded feedback button from MadMapper 3
The MAD Team