MadMapper / MadLaser supports single line fonts for laser text surfaces. Those fonts are stored in TTF format. They might look dirty in your OS or in many softwares, MadMapper has a special font renderer to get bezier curves out of it and render it properly. They are sometimes names stick fonts, CNC fonts, single line fonts, engraving fonts, or stroke fonts. They are generally used for laser engraving.
MadMapper paid a license to distribute a font handling many languages, containing 35000 glyphs: "OLF Simple Sans CJK regular - This is the OLF Simple Sans Regular extended language font that includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and additional Cyrillic, Greek, & Hebrew text" / ... cts_id=318
There are a lot of stick fonts available on this website.
You can add more stick fonts by adding them to your MadMapper workspace (by default Documents folder / MadMapper, can be chosen from preferences), in subfolder "Stick Fonts"
I found a few one free over internet, looks in "True Single Line fonts" on this website: ... ndex.shtml
CamBam fonts can be downloaded here: ... fonts.html
Don't hesitate to post interesting fonts you found (free or not)